Glamis Dunes Website
Glamis Dunes Veterans Day ceremony was celebrated at the “Flag Pole” on November 7, 2015. This year’s theme was “Desert Storm”. The Flag Pole was updated with the current flag from Afghanistan being retired and a new one being raised. This event has been going on for 12+ years. Of course, the only way to the flag pole consist of over, around and through sand dunes…lots and lots of sand dunes…..but what else would you expect! This is Glamis!
We are taking a “kid rest” at Glamis Dunes.
When we arrived it was such a treat to the eyes to see all the different rails, quads and dirt bikes. You will see some of the most amazing graphics on the rails, motors that rival the best muscle car and stereo systems you can hear a mile away. This is not a cheap sport. These guys take pride in their toys.
Glamis Dunes Veterans Day 2015 Flag ceremony new flag being raised.
Glamis Dunes Veteran Day 2015 retiring the worn flag from Afghanistan.
A little history lesson: Veterans Day is dedicated to honoring anyone who has served in the United States military. The holiday began as a day to remember the end of World War I. It was declared a holiday by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. The day was originally known as Armistice Day. The holiday became Veterans Day in 1954. November 11 was chosen as the official date for Veterans Day in reference to the ending of World War I. Germany signed an armistice with the Allies that signaled the end of the war on at 11 a.m. on 11 November 1918.
Panovision of Glamis Dunes Veterans Day 2015
My son who is Navy, following in his grandpa’s foot steps, has attended the last four years and proudly holds onto this Glamis Dunes tradition. His children understand the meaning of Veterans Day. They thoroughly enjoy the fun of watching dad get his Veterans Day recognition. I was a first time attendee and it was amazing. I over heard one of the master of ceremony gents stating this was the largest crowd to date. He was worried if they had enough coins to give out to all the vets!
Glamis Dunes Veterans Day 2015 attending Vets.
Glamis Dunes Veterans Day 2015 My son Raymond receiving his ceremonial coin
Every year a coin is fashioned to represent the event. This year’s theme was Desert Storm..
Glamis Dunes Veteran Day 2015 coin back design…Desert Storm
Glamis Dunes Veteran Day 2015 coin front…Military Branches
OK so I have to include this…FREEBIES on Veterans Day this year….